
Showing posts from March, 2010


This comic belongs to Headtrip,


If there is one subject that my Dad and I can never agree upon, it is Graffiti. He says that is a crime that defaces property, and there is no such thing as good graffiti. Now don’t get me wrong, I agree that when you paint on someone else property yeah, that’s a crime, and you shouldn’t do it. But in cases where ally ways and certain buildings are offered to local artists for street art, go for it. Graffiti is just another form of artistic expression! That’s why I follow a blog called Hacked IRL, that post pictures of graffiti or instillation art. Here are some of my favorite examples from the site.

Out of the frying pan....

As a relatively self aware person, I’ve always been aware of how lucky I am to have a mother who has a passion for cooking. Growing up we never had a Chicken Tuesday, or Meatloaf Fridays. Other than Sunday dinners, you could never predict what you would be eating the next night. Although you could assume that it was going to be unique, and delicious! Unfortunately, upon reaching university, and subsequently reaching my own tiny share of a kitchen, I discovered a horrible fact. I didn’t know how to cook ANYTHING. It’s not that I didn’t know how the oven worked, or that I couldn’t read a recipe, but when you’re 18, and living on a student budget, you just don’t go out and spring for a spice rack. Not to mention finding recipes that deal in single servings was difficult. So for that time in my life I mostly lived off of pasta dishes and chicken grilled in my own little George Foreman Grill. In recent months I’ve made more of an effort to pay attention to how some of these miracul...