2012: in summary This has been an amazing year, there is no other way to put it. So much has happened, so much has changed! So I felt it was fitting that my first post of 2013 should be a quick summary of the past year. At the very beginning of 2012, I went out on my second date with a guy I had met on eharmony, (Josh) and we decided that night that we had planned so many dates for the following months together that we might as well make it official and say that we were boyfriend/girlfriend. In March my brother found an apartment and we all helped him move out, the first of us to finally leave home and make it on our own. I remember on that day as we helped him set up his desk and book, Christian and I looked at each other and realized it was now a race to see who was next. Matt moved out, Christian moved into Matt’s old room and Dad turned Christian’s old room into his ‘Man Room’. Josh and I got two budgie’s together, named them Wade and Diana and they moved...