Heroes in a Half Shell

It's not normally apparent to most people, but I'm actually a HUGE fan of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. And like any other fan of our boys, I approach any new incarnation of the characters with equal measures of hope and worry. Will it be another cringe filled show like Ninja Turtles: the next mutation circa 1997 or will it be really awesome like Turtles Forever? But when I heard that Michael Bay was taking a shot at a live action TMNT movie, I can't say I was hopeful. Like... at all. Especially when I found out that Megan Fox was playing the part of April O'Neil. You don't even want to know how I reacted when I heard the rumor that they weren't even going to be Mutant Turtles, but Aliens instead! Ugh..... The trailer came out today for the new movie and my friend Christine made me watch it despite the fact that I didn't feel I was prepared enough. I was right. However, just so I don't sound like some purist who can't st...