Little less wise in the mouth

Being 'done' school, and all that entails, means several things. I have to get ready for grad, look forward to paying off osap, find a job, etc. Some things can wait, (osap plz) others, not so much. While in school, I'm covered by my Dads insurance. Now, with Graduation creeping closer, I'm suddenly reminded of how much some bills will cost. Enter a few quick trips to the doctor, get those shots I'd been meaning to get. Get my glasses persription renewed. See the dentist, which leads to my current pradicament. The dentist tells me that my wisdom teeth are a little crowded back there, and I might want to think about taking them out. Remembering my brother after his wisdom teeth removal (and how expensive it was) I booked in an appointment as soon as possible. I'm sent to an oral surgan who promises me that he'll take good care of me and I wont feel a thing when the nurse whaps me over the head with a frying pan (so save money on anastetic of course) He has a ...