Little less wise in the mouth
Being 'done' school, and all that entails, means several things. I have to get ready for grad, look forward to paying off osap, find a job, etc. Some things can wait, (osap plz) others, not so much. While in school, I'm covered by my Dads insurance. Now, with Graduation creeping closer, I'm suddenly reminded of how much some bills will cost. Enter a few quick trips to the doctor, get those shots I'd been meaning to get. Get my glasses persription renewed. See the dentist, which leads to my current pradicament.
The dentist tells me that my wisdom teeth are a little crowded back there, and I might want to think about taking them out. Remembering my brother after his wisdom teeth removal (and how expensive it was) I booked in an appointment as soon as possible. I'm sent to an oral surgan who promises me that he'll take good care of me and I wont feel a thing when the nurse whaps me over the head with a frying pan (so save money on anastetic of course)
He has a sense of humor. I like him at once and trust my molars with him. A date is set for the Wednesday after my return from New York. Mom will be there to drive me home and my friends all wish me the best of luck. Sitting in the waiting room I watch as other mothers are called in to see their doped up kids, and I wonder why none have walked out yet. I want to see just how drugged up I was to look!
Before I could see any toothless zombies walk by, I'm called in. I can't say I wasn't scared. All the warnings of nerve damage jumped up from wherever they were hiding and I tried to calm down by watching the heart monitor I was attached to. I was asked some questions, and an oxygen mask was put on my nose. One pin prick later and I'm all of a sudden sitting up in another room, my mom beside me telling me to keep my eyes open. Easy for her to say, her eyes weren't crossed.
A few drunken rounds of eye spy later, and I can manage to keep both eyes open long enough to see that there is another girl with her mother in the room with me. A nurse comes by to tell us how to clean our mouths out and basic care (silly idea telling us since I barely remember anything she said) and that we were not to smoke. This I remember clearly because the other girl started to cry when she heard this. She wanted to smoke, dispite the fact that her mother was reminding her that she had quit months ago. I then proclaimed (in a gause filled mouth sort of way) that my Granddad shouldn't visit then, as he smokes. Mom tried to explain that it was the act of smoking that caused dry socket, not the smoke itself. Still, I was certain that Granddad should not be alowed to visit.
The other girl cried for a while, and the nurse tried to calm her down and told her that she needed to check on me and see how my legs were. Hearing this, I pulled up the cuffs of my pants so she could see my legs and told her that my legs were great and that I'd just shaved them. I was quite proud I remember.
Shortly after I was mobile and led through a back door (thats why I didn't see any on my way in, they shuffle the toothless zombies out the back!) and Mom took me home.
In comparison to my brother (who acted like he'd been given a couple of shots of jack daniels rather than anastetic) I feel i was rather well behaved. The last few days have been slow and full of sleeping and icing. The Pills I have been taking havn't really altered my perception of reality like some of my friends had hoped they would. Short of looking like a chipmunk who had lost a fight, I feel I'm doing well for someone who is four teeth short. However not being able to eat anything that requires even the tinyest bit of chewing is something of a challenge. Thankfully my family (expecially my mother) has been helping me with continued panteince and only a little teasing at my expanded cheeks.
God Bless Tylonol Three with Codine
The dentist tells me that my wisdom teeth are a little crowded back there, and I might want to think about taking them out. Remembering my brother after his wisdom teeth removal (and how expensive it was) I booked in an appointment as soon as possible. I'm sent to an oral surgan who promises me that he'll take good care of me and I wont feel a thing when the nurse whaps me over the head with a frying pan (so save money on anastetic of course)
He has a sense of humor. I like him at once and trust my molars with him. A date is set for the Wednesday after my return from New York. Mom will be there to drive me home and my friends all wish me the best of luck. Sitting in the waiting room I watch as other mothers are called in to see their doped up kids, and I wonder why none have walked out yet. I want to see just how drugged up I was to look!
Before I could see any toothless zombies walk by, I'm called in. I can't say I wasn't scared. All the warnings of nerve damage jumped up from wherever they were hiding and I tried to calm down by watching the heart monitor I was attached to. I was asked some questions, and an oxygen mask was put on my nose. One pin prick later and I'm all of a sudden sitting up in another room, my mom beside me telling me to keep my eyes open. Easy for her to say, her eyes weren't crossed.
A few drunken rounds of eye spy later, and I can manage to keep both eyes open long enough to see that there is another girl with her mother in the room with me. A nurse comes by to tell us how to clean our mouths out and basic care (silly idea telling us since I barely remember anything she said) and that we were not to smoke. This I remember clearly because the other girl started to cry when she heard this. She wanted to smoke, dispite the fact that her mother was reminding her that she had quit months ago. I then proclaimed (in a gause filled mouth sort of way) that my Granddad shouldn't visit then, as he smokes. Mom tried to explain that it was the act of smoking that caused dry socket, not the smoke itself. Still, I was certain that Granddad should not be alowed to visit.
The other girl cried for a while, and the nurse tried to calm her down and told her that she needed to check on me and see how my legs were. Hearing this, I pulled up the cuffs of my pants so she could see my legs and told her that my legs were great and that I'd just shaved them. I was quite proud I remember.
Shortly after I was mobile and led through a back door (thats why I didn't see any on my way in, they shuffle the toothless zombies out the back!) and Mom took me home.
In comparison to my brother (who acted like he'd been given a couple of shots of jack daniels rather than anastetic) I feel i was rather well behaved. The last few days have been slow and full of sleeping and icing. The Pills I have been taking havn't really altered my perception of reality like some of my friends had hoped they would. Short of looking like a chipmunk who had lost a fight, I feel I'm doing well for someone who is four teeth short. However not being able to eat anything that requires even the tinyest bit of chewing is something of a challenge. Thankfully my family (expecially my mother) has been helping me with continued panteince and only a little teasing at my expanded cheeks.

I think that you make the cutest chipmunk with shaved legs, that ever lived!!!!!!!!!!! xoxo