Opening a time capsule (aka cleaning out the cottage shed)
Armed with gloves, brooms and a trailer ready to haul crap to the dump, My Grandfather, Father and I descended upon the old shed like a hoard of locusts. Hungry, angry locusts. We dug through years of discarded boxes of tools, machine parts, several light fixtures, two coffee makers, miles of tubing wiring and rope, at least a dozen old squirrel nests and more rusty nails than you could count. Getting it out was easy, the hard part was convincing that if the lamp he put in there 25 years ago was garbage and should be tossed out. (please note, this battle was not won, and there are currently the same number of rusty, old light fixtures in the shed now as there were this morning.)

Despite this, we managed to get rid of a lot of junk. Next stop: the dump.
Original Thoughts: Great, we get to unload all the crap we just put in this trailer. Joy of joys.
Thoughts upon reaching the dump: This place is filled with glass windows and I have a trailer full of junk I can toss at them!!!!!
Final Impression: The dump is awesome.
All in all, it was a fun day. I got to ride the lawn mower and only broke it once. I found out that I throw a rusty old pipe with more aim than my Dad. I got to spend the day at the cottage, had lots of laughs and good times.
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