
As per family tradition, on the first night of the new year I always look forward to our annual dinner at the David Duncan House. Amazing food, familiar surroundings and company who (after I started driving) began to be a little more liberal with the liquor. And as usual, the subject of new years resolutions came up.

Now I was all prepared to list off the usual (lose weight, read more, try new things) but this time I found myself promising to write more on my blog without even thinking about it. Maybe it’s the fact that my Dad now has this perfect record of the past two years published into books, honestly I still love going back and reading his posts. But I’m going to make an honest effort to try and post here more often. I think I even said once a week but we’ll see how long that lasts…

Either way, I know this year I’ll have lots to write about!

Happy New Year!!!


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