Sports, Dinner, and more Sports!
So my weekend was eventful! Unintentionally so as well. But as busy as it was, it was a very good three days. Certainly worthy of chronicling in the blog!
Friday I was invited to go see a Toronto Rock Lacrosse game with my dad and youngest brother. It was originally a christmas present from both my brothers to my dad, but unfortunately Matt had to work and I got the extra ticket. Having never been to a lacrosse game before, and only vague memories of high school gym class, I didn't really know what to expect. I certainly didn't expect the players to start hitting each other with their sticks! But I ended up having an amazing time! The game was energetic and fast like hokey, and it took a while but between the three of us we managed to get the basic rules of the game. The game went into overtime and we won 15 to 14, with my throat pretty raw from all the hollering I was doing. Christian was most embarrassed.

Sunday I slept in (glorious!!!) and Granddad came over for either a very late lunch or extremely early dinner at two, where we (and by we I mean everyone in the family but me) had a beer tasting of three unique beers we gave my granddad for christmas. After that the three grandkids and granddad piled into the caddie, turned on the heat full blast and made our way to the Marlies game (also part of the christmas gift). It was a really fun game, and we won! I honestly love watching hockey games live, and joking around with my brothers and granddad was really fun. Afterwards we drove home for some cheese and crackers and to laugh about some of the more interesting parts of the game over coffee.
All in all it was a pretty awesome weekend!
Stalking with the long lens, that's my girl.