London Baby!

Yesterday at work, we had a bit of a scare. My computer died, at least temporarily, but it was enough for us to realize that we’ve got a lot of files we really need that we’ve never backed up. Thus, my primary job today is going through all of the files (some from 2006) and figure out which ones we need to backup. Now let me tell you, that’s about as fun as it sounds. But luckily, sometimes when you’re digging, you come across buried treasure. Or in this case, pictures I’d thought I’d deleted.

Last year, my friend aparna went on a trip to England by herself, and kept us updated as she went through emails. About halfway through she told us how her camera had either been lost or stolen. To me, I’d rather have my money stolen. The loss of a camera and the pictures it holds would leave me inconsolable. So my friends and I went over the list of places we knew she was visiting (it wasn’t that hard, she’d only been talking about this trip for a year at every given opportunity….) and the following photographs were doctored.

When Aparna got back, we took her out and over coffee we told her that whomever has her camera must have put her pictures online because we found the following pics on the internet. We then asked her if she had lost her clothes to because it looks like shes wearing the same outfit each day!


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