Vancouver Day Five

Driving through the mountains is awesome. I think it was the highlight of the day, despite the horse trail ride. We left North Van early and took the new highway 99 up towards Whistler. The mountains were beautiful and looming and bigger than anything I’ve ever seen. It took almost two hours to get to whistler and find the hotel which was also beautiful. I don’t know what Whistler Village looked like before the Olympics, but its gorgeous now!

We walked around a bit and did a little shopping and ate lunch at the BG Urban Grill. It was tasty, but marni said I looked hungover…. What do you think?

We then went back for the car and driving further north towards Adventure Ranch. It was only Marni and I, and two girls from Germany on the ride with our guide. My horses name was Jigsaw and apparently gas powered. Also, he likes to snack, like a lot. At one point we were allowed to trot, and Jigsaw was trotting along, head down in the long grass ripping it out and eating as he was going. My horse is a MULTI TASKER! Marni’s horse was Archie, who was put out that he couldn’t snack as he had a muzzle on. Jigsaw had no sympathy

The ride was amazing! We rode through a valley surrounded by tall mountains with a river cutting right through it. It was a two hour ride, and I think it was remembering how my dad sits in his saddle that saved my butt, literally. It’s still sore from sitting in the saddle, but apparently not as bad as Marnis!

After the ride we drove back to Whistler to continue touring the village and shopping. Unfortunately it is the slow season, so everything closes very early and I mean early. We ate dinner at a small Italian Restaurant and stuffed ourselves to the gills. They make the bread and pasta and sauce and everything right there in the store. It. Was. Delicious!

So now we are just going over plans for our last three days in BC, and considering just never coming home, its so pretty here!


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