Vancouver Day Six
I can’t believe how much we are getting done, and I still don’t really feel that tired or sore! This morning we ate a very light breakfast because in a short while we would be swinging from the trees and honestly we didn’t want much in our stomachs… We signed in with Ziptrek Ecotours (a measly $100…..) signed a form telling them where to send our bodies if we die and then we were off to get on the weggie maker! I mean gear!
I will tell you this about Ziplining, not once did I fear for my life because of the equipment. That stuff was SOLID. Not that comfortable to walk around in, but damn solid! We did a tiny zipline just to see how we felt about it, think of it as a bunny hill of ziplines… and then we were packed on a bus to the vally between Blackcomb Mountain and Whistler. We were actually right next to where they did the Luge in the Olympics! You know, they place were they managed to clock at 5 g’s? yeah, that high up…
The valley crisscrossed with a bunch of lines all at different heights with suspended bridges between them. Marni was worried about the drop, I was worried about the speed and as it turned out, neither thing bothered us at all. But I found out that while I don’t really have a fear of heights (see my entry on the Capilano Suspension Bridge….) I apparently have a fear of falling. And Stepping off a wooden staircase into nothing reeeeeeeeeeaaaaaly isn’t that great if you have that fear. I had a few false starts because of that, but soon found that if I just closed my eyes and stepped off I was fine about three seconds later. The only bad thing I found about ziplinging though was the unstoppable, unavoidable and irremovable wedgie. I pity the guys so much with this, because as uncomfortable we were, the guys were 5 times worse.
But we had an amazing time and I would definitely do it again if given the chance!
We got a coupon to the Dublin Irish Pub for lunch and we had a delicious lunch before walking around and making sure we saw all we could see of whistler before packing up and hitting the road again.
We left early and I was glad we did because there were lots of places we stopped at for pictures, including Shannon Falls. Funny thing about mountain waterfalls, the temperature drops about 10 degrees near those things! Mostly because they’re made from water of melting glacier ice…

We got the 7:30 ferry in horseshoe bay to Nanaimo, and Marni wandered about the ship apparently impressed that a Ferry could have a gift shop, two cafeterias, and an arcade on one ship…
We got to Nanaimo just as the sun was setting and found our hotel without a problem. Figures the roomiest hotel room we’ve had so far we’re only staying in for the one night….
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