Excuses, excuses....
I would like to use this post to explain myself, and the complete lack of posts on this blog. This summer has been so busy, full of camping trips, fun events and stories. And it hasn’t been because I’ve been so busy that I haven’t been posting. No. It is because of one reason, or rather, one man.
This man.

Tom Hiddleston. Life ruiner.
If we were to go deeper, we could also blame my friend Christine. You see, it was because of Christine that I ended up watching the movie Thor for a third time. She wanted to see it once more in theatres so that she could see Tom as Loki. I had rolled my eyes, and went along thinking who could watch Thor and watch any other guy than Chris Helmsworth. I mean look at him.

But that third time was it. Somehow the magic of Chris’ abs was overshadowed by Toms charming face. It all went downhill from there. I was introduced to the life draining force that is tumblr, downloaded tv shows and movies Tom had been in, even listened to audio books that he narrated (cause that voice!)
So now I find myself at the start of fall, a blog empty with no recordings of my many adventures this summer, and can only shake my fist weakly at Christine because really, in the end, who could stay mad at a face like this?
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