
BEHOLD!!! The newest edition to the growing Zoo that is Josh's and my collection of animals, Norbert the Bearded Dragon!

When I picked him out, the sales guy must have seen something in my face because he asked how long I'd been waiting for this and I said ten years which isn't much of an exaggeration. Ten years ago it was a snake I wanted, and I freaked my poor mother so badly by asking for one that she forgot her purse in a Tim Hortons halfway between Peterborough and Toronto. Since then I've been visiting every pet store reptile section every chance I got, researching online and asking people who have owned snakes. I became disinclined towards the legless reptile when I learned that their feces was one of the worst smelling in the pet world (a super high protein diet coupled with a extremely slow digestion process apparently ends in a particularly rank doodie, who knew?)
So I moved on and took a closer look at the tanks next to the snakes. Lizards have a wide range of personalities and needs, so more research was needed. For about three years I looked into getting a Gecko, an iguana and most recently a Chameleon. But unfortunately most of these species are either nocturnal or don't really like to be touched which is no fun.
Then bearded dragons were recommended to me, as they are the easiest to care for, their diet can be a mix of bugs to pretty much any veggie or fruit, their poop isn't any worse than the birds (who delight in aiming for my keyboard as they fly overhead...) and they have very expressive personalities!
Once my mind was made up, and Josh told me I could keep it at his place, I bought a used tank, got a coffee table on Ikea supersale, and made my way to the reptile store to (finally) get my Lizard.

I have Zero buyers remorse. I love him! Norbert is already the smartest, most adorable lizard there ever was. He even closes his eyes and smiles when I stroke his back. No jokes, he legit smiles! I predict many more posts of Norbert in the future! Fair warning!


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