Marni here. Ash is using the hairdryer so I have once again snuck onto the blog. Where was I? Oh yes, horses. Well, wait, that was yesterday. That’s no good. That’s already been blogged about. Then, I suppose we will have to go with today. We’re not longer in Whistler. We have traveled across the mainland, and are currently blogging from Nanaimo, the Harbour City, as they like to call it. After yet another busy day full of adventures, we have crashed for the night to prepare for yet another busy one. Today, we went from mountains to ocean. From mainland to island. From sedate picture taking, to taking videos while screaming wildly, over a river on a 1100m long wireline of awesome. Oh, yes. We went ziplining. Let’s talk about zipling. Firstly, it’s not nearly as terrifying as it seems. Yes, it’s really just you and the cable holding you up from the ground which, as it were, was getting increasing further away as we went up the mountain. Yes, it’s fast, and yes, you kind ...